Companies older than 2 years

Company stability is a key point for business partners who make an agreement. That is why all the companies registered in classic offshore jurisdictions are subject of high attention because they are supposed to be “fly-by-night” companies which usually operate through nominee directors and do not fulfill their obligations.

To increase reliability and decrease possible risks it is necessary to create a good image of your company in the eyes of potential clients. For such purpose you can make your company “older”. West Union Group offer to its client to buy ready-made company which was registered several years ago. The price for such company differs from new company only in annual maintenance for relevant number of years.

In many countries the age of a company has influence in passing different procedures: acquisition of licenses, tender participation, singing delivery contracts. For example, a foreign company in the UAE under five years cannot become a founder of a local firm, and most of the leading banks worldwide have traditionally considered the date of registration of legal entity as the most important point for the loan granting.

West Union specialists are eager to provide free advice regarding any question of company acquisition and make recommendations, as well as to propose a full research of given issue.

Contacts of West Union companies
  • Berlin +49 30 24724252
  • London +44 203 807 20 99
  • Nicosia +357 22377311
  • Hong Kong +852 28910030
  • Kiev +380 96 1892877
  • Shanghai +852 61483894
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