
Service Cost Currency
Company registration 1 900 EUR
Legal address (1 year) 2 400 EUR
Secretarial service (1 year) 3 000 EUR
Accounting service (1 year) 2 400 EUR
Nominee service (optional) 3 000 EUR
The most common form is the opening of a limited liability company. In this case, the foreigner acts as the sole founder. To register a company, one day in person is required. It will be necessary to prepare a variation of the name of the company, indicate the type of activity, establish the exact address, the founding staff and the distribution of shares among its members. After that, it is necessary to deposit the authorized capital and certify the constituent documents with a notary. It is also worth remembering about paying for advertisements in the state newspaper, registering and creating a seal.
Contacts of West Union companies
  • Berlin +49 30 24724252
  • London +44 203 807 20 99
  • Nicosia +357 22377311
  • Hong Kong +852 28910030
  • Kiev +380 96 1892877
  • Shanghai +852 61483894
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