
Service Cost Currency
Company registration from 1 900 EUR
Legal address (1 year) from 2 400 EUR
Secretarial service (1 year) from 1 200 EUR
Accounting service (1 year) from 2 400 EUR
Nominee service (optional) from 500 EUR
Spain has legislation providing for the application of a special tax regime to Spanish holding companies. The regime is called ETVE (Entidad de Tenencia de Valores Extrajeros), which means "foreign securities holding company." The essence of the regime is that if certain conditions are met, the company is exempt from tax on dividends it receives and on income from the sale of assets (capital gains), as well as from withholding tax on outgoing dividends. Thus, the Spanish holding acquires the property of tax transparency, and the negative effects of double taxation of foreign income are eliminated, which was the goal of the Spanish legislator.
Contacts of West Union companies
  • Berlin +49 30 24724252
  • London +44 203 807 20 99
  • Nicosia +357 22377311
  • Hong Kong +852 28910030
  • Kiev +380 96 1892877
  • Shanghai +852 61483894
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